Friday, 19 January 2018

L is for Laaaazy… it’s also for ‘Look at that WEATHER!’

According to my diary, this week I should have run three times for 30 minutes in order to build up to the BIG one, the 3 mile mountain crawl/ hobble/ wince tomorrow. However, dear readers, I’m still at zero miles. And now it’s only 17 weeks until the half marathon. My best friend, who is definitely NOT a runner, logged over 40 miles in walks and runs last week. The shame!

So what happened? Was I abducted by aliens? Did the lycra squeeze my wobbly bits so much that I developed a blood clot (a serious worry)? Did my beautiful ‘hat with the holes’ (for ventilation purposes obviously) disappear? No. It snowed. Not just a little bit of snow, more ‘Quick look out of the window,’ snow. And with snow comes ice. And ice is the runner’s worst enemy.

So, in a bid to be productive in my fund raising, here I sit. In a moment I am going to write to lots of local businesses and ask if they can donate prizes for an auction we are having in the Autumn. Really, I am.

I did manage to achieve something running related this week- by far the most important something actually… I created a playlist on my phone. See, really important. At some point I should really try my lyrca on- but I’m saving that visual treat for a super special occasion, like when it’s Children in Need and I’ve spent the whole night crying anyway so what’s a few more tears.

As always, I digress.

If you learn anything from this post lovely people out there, it’s this- don’t read your diary. Oh, and don’t plan to start your half marathon training in January in the mountains of Yorkshire.

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