For once, dearest bloggies, I kept my word. Despite the crappy weather, despite the fact that my arm pit muscles (which I didn’t even know existed) were aching from yesterday’s encounter with the weight press thingies at the gym, and despite the fact that I simply didn’t want to… I ran 6 miles today. And I managed to get home in time for my daily instalment of 90210 on E4.
I haven’t really run outside since the half marathon and, as you might have read, I found that a teensy bit difficult. But I knew that I had to get over the hump and, as the old slogan says, ‘Just do it!’ So I just did it… then I collapsed on the sofa and spent an hour of unadulterated bliss watching unadulterated crap TV. While I was running, I realised that, in my half marathoning madness, I have been seriously neglecting my A-Z. Here is the latest instalment, look out for the full version, which should be making an appearance by the end of the week!
Good things about running | Bad things about running |
Mile-stones Whatever your current standard, you were once a newbie! Do you remember the hill that used to leave you gasping for breath? The one mile marker where you got cramp in your calf and had to hop for half a mile because it hurt to put your foot on the floor? The tree at mile 3 that you used to pee behind because running 3 miles seemed a really long way and you weren’t sure you’d make it home to the toilet? Remember your mile-stones because they will keep you motivated when you are tired/exhausted/want to cry/ want to go home/ want an ambulance. | Motivation My name is Kelly and I suffer from a lack of motivation. Sometimes my sofa calls louder than my trainers and, before I know it, I find myself curled up with a good book rather than braving the wilds clad in illuminous lycra. I have noticed a change in myself though, during these past few months of running madness. These days, I get narky if I don’t run and I make sure that I have time to run even if I don’t really want to go. So perhaps I’m moving in the right direction. Maybe this time next year I will need to run like I need oxygen i.e. I cannot live without it! A girl can hope! |
Happy times x
(A quick note to all of the lovely people who have commented on my blogs recently: I replied to all of your comments via e-mail, then I realised that the e-mail address I was responding to was ‘noreplyblogger.something.’ I hope that you did receive my replies. If not, thanks everyone for the congratulations, comments and giggles. I love them all! )
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