Thursday, 8 February 2018

F is for ‘fish fingers’… the elite athlete’s best kept secret

Okay, so maybe ‘elite’ was a stretch- I got a stitch climbing the stairs to the toilet this morning. And perhaps ‘secret’ is slightly overegging the pudding- after all, I’m blogging it for all to see. But still, fish fingers. Who knew?

When I set off for my run last night, I honestly felt like I had a food baby in my tummy. Apparently, two fish finger sandwiches with mayo will do that to you. But when I was still enthusiastic at mile 4, I started to think that there might have been some magic in Captain Birdseye’s best. When, at mile 5, I wasn’t bent double and heaving into a bush, I had my eureka moment. Eureka! Fish fingers are magic.

Now I might not be a nutritionist but I am extremely interested in diet. In fact, I usually class myself as a whole-food plant-based eater but, with it being February, and cold, and raining, I decided that a little treat was in order. And I’m so glad that I did.

So now  know what I’ll be having prior to running my half marathon in May- fish finger sandwiches for breakfast anyone?