me, I secured a place in the 2012 Great North Run: hurrah/ oh no, what have I
got myself into this time?!!!! Not only will I be running 13.2 miles, I will
also 'run the risk' (pun intended) of being filmed for LIVE television. The
horror! Regular readers will know that I have a tendency towards the
calamitous- Can you imagine falling over your own feet whilst being watched by
5 million Sunday viewers? I can. Unfortunately.
probable catastrophe aside, I decided to raise as much money as physically
possible for my sponsor charity, Children with Cancer. So I went to see my
lovely zumba instructor Kirsty who gave me a totally enthusiastic and
resounding 'Yes!' Then she offered to help organise it and within three weeks
we had planned the worlds best ever Zumbathon. I am not exaggerating, it's
going to be immense!
I set up a Facebook page. However, as my bog standard blog goes to prove, I'm a
bit of a techno-phobe. So, because I can at least write on this without my masterpiece
disappearing, this lovely little blog will become the Zumbathon notice board
for the next eight weeks.
comment- anywhere! Facebook if you can, on here if you can't. Join in the fun,
let's get the party started 8 weeks early.
if your boogie has deserted you, you can still get involved. At the moment, we
are in desperate need of helpers to:
collect money
(and encourage people to give more)
run the raffle/
guess the name of the bear competition
serve tea and
serve water
hand out free
badges/ pens/ balloons etc
and probably a thousand other jobs that I have yet to think of. If you are
available and willing, please e-mail me using the address above or the Facebook
page thingy. Any help would be much appreciated!
that's it for now lovely readers!
8 weeks to go x
P.S. Facebook page address: